Video Training

This training made me realize my love for building personas. I always keep the persona of the audience in mind, but this video features another one.


In this training, Paul, the Field Trainer, gives a high-level overview of general Drug and Alcohol procedures. This video is meant for field personnel in the oil and gas industry. Preview the course to review expectations of employees as related to use of drugs and/or alcohol while on the job.

Growth Opportunities

This project gave me the opportunity to use new techniques with the course authoring tools I had access to at the time.

I also had the opportunity to flex my project management muscles, since the team was made up of only two people: me, the developer, and the customer.

Interactive Training

This training holds a special place in my heart for a few reasons, which I will get to in a bit.


Just to give you a quick summary, this training covers Dynamic Risk Assessment (or DRA). This training was meant for field personnel in safety-critical roles in the oil and gas industry. This course is meant to remind learners of their authority to stop any job, remind them to constantly look for hazards during jobs, and to apply the DRA mindset throughout the job.

Growth Opportunities

This project gave me the opportunity to learn how to handle handovers and changing teams.

I learned to script a course from minimal source content, and minimal subject matter expert (or SME) review and support.

I also learned that customers may not have the language to say what they are looking for, and how to use that as an opening to educate them about the capabilities I have and the tools available to me.

Informative Video

Quick video on some of the benefits of using ASL (or American Sign Language) as a tool in your parenting.

compassionately made experiences


compassionately made experiences


compassionately made experiences ✴︎ compassionately made experiences ✴︎